Too Many Museums
Since I am a volunteer at a Museum in the Boston Area, all of the New York City Museums have been granting me free entrance with my ID. Some have even said not to bother waiting in the ticket line and that I should go directly to the information booth. At the Museum of Modern Art it would have saved me a twenty minute wait if I had known. The fifth floor is outstanding with les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Picasso, two beautiful Gauguins, and a room full of Matisses.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) has finished refurbishing the 19th century European painting galleries and I saw some of my very favorite Gauguins. Two I had greatly admired at the Gauguin Tahiti show back in Boston at the Museum of Fine Arts four years ago. The Klimt exhibition and the jewelry show that just opened at the Neue Galerie , four blocks north of the Met on Fifth Avenue, were both excellent. So I have to confess that in twenty-four hours I saw seven museums and a National Memorial, all located in Manhattan. Too many Museums and very much fun.