The Morgan Library and Teddy Roosevelt Birthplace
So many Bostonians and New Yorkers have recommended the Morgan Library to me, that I am surprised that I did not visit it sooner. The permanent collection including his personal library and study are such a visual delight. Furthermore the addition by Renzo Piano is open and airy and lets in so much sunlight. The garlicky french fries with brie dipping sauce at the cafe are not to be missed.
By contrast I had not heard good things about the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace . The building is a 1920s reproduction and many items inside are not family pieces at all. The ranger was a little grumpy and not that knowledgeable, but I was still very glad that I took the tour. Access to the collection is by guided tour only, and they are infrequent. Yet it was so exciting to see the original memorabilia on display on the second floor including his hunting rifle, photos, a ceremonial saddle, etc.