Thursday, March 16, 2006

Plimoth Plantation

Soon the living history museum called Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, MA will be open for the season. The main site is a recreation of the English colony in the town of Plymouth circa 1627. There are many interesting things to see and do there. The best part is asking period actors questions about themselves, their lives in the new world, and their opinions of others. There is also the Wampanoag Home site where native peoples answer visitor's questions from a 21st Century vantage point.

Last Summer I listened in as a visitor from Tennessee asked an actor portaying Spraige(sp?) good questions. The visitor told me that this was his fifth visit and that he did a lot of homework before his visits. I saw maybe five or six actors in the Pilgrim Village that afternoon, but Spraige was definitely stealing the show. He moved a steer with horns pretty close to me that was only attached to his hand with a thin rope. It was was at that point that I made my escape to the Wampanoag Village.


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